I've yet to have a can,or maybe two, of redbull at Geylang Bazaar.Think I've lost my momentum of blogging.Maybe cause it's my final lapse of studying, for the upcoming exams.Yet,I'm contented despite all the odds.And I find it pretty weird. Heh.
I think my whole week was spent really unproductively cause all I focused on was just my art,and not the slightest bit of prelims. ): However,I did managed to snag a time to finish my library books,cause honestly it's very rare for me to borrow books from the library.
Anyways,I'm so caught up with school(mostly art) that I've been staying back till 6 on most days,even on Saturdays...that it just dawned on me, yesterday,that it's going to be Eid Mubarak this fricking Sunday~ oohhhhaammmgeeeeeee horxz.

I swear I thought it was going to be like for another two/three weeks.And no,I haven't buy any raya stuffs, and I don't think I am going to either. ): This is like the one and only year that I feel,literally that it's just another day in another month,in another year.Yes I am disappointed the fact that the zest of celebrating is no longer in my thoughts. :( I wish I'm still five year old,where the only problem to me is...wait,problem at the age of five?Impossible.
Alright enough with the chitchats.Last Friday,I finally get to shop/hang with Nisa(bestfriend for almost ten years) for the first time ever in my life.Can you imagine that? Tsk! And so0o0o,now I know how terribly indecisive she can be.I thought nobody could top me off dude! So,met up with Im to break fast together since he has been
complaining that we haven't met for a month or so already. -.- Haha,so yeah.Thanks for the treat fiffle~
(P/s: Anyways,I think I should agree the fact that you look more and more like a mat as you grow...maybe you're meant to be one? :D)

Saturday,yesternight.Had iftar at Darul Ma'wa.It was totally awesoooooooooooooooooommmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ I ♥ all of you there,especially Diyana and Zubaidah.And yes,fine..zé boys too.(******) ;) I'll meet you guys soon,..........perjumpaan hari raya,alright loves. :)