You see,what just happen was...I accidentally intended to buy a perfume.My intention was zé perfume and my accident was that it was our perfume.[Note the "was" alright] Well yes I admit,it's not an accident....and neither was it intentional...but I just missed that smell oh so much.And you know how much I hate not smelling awesome to anywhere,even school.So yeah.My Versace,Bright Crystal shall have to be patient till I own her. Anyways,I went straight to Jurong Polyclinic right after school,to 1)get medication for my bummed puffy eyes and 2)take a look see how different other polyclinics feels/looks like apart from the usual mundane olé Clementi Poly that I've been going to since I couldn't even speak.
Bought the sale above mentioned perfume from the sale rack cause it was unbievably cheap I tell you~ Thank god bby Nxsz accompanied me or else I wouldn't have an awesome time at KFC watching a group of little boys swimming.In spite of which,my mind was sorta lost somewhere in bizzare land called zé past.Easier said,reminiscing.
What actually happened when we accidentally locked gazes,what was that penetrating look you shot me and that same respond I had?Cause it seems like we're of total strangers,just happened to cross paths.And yet I can't stop thinking why/how we turned our backs...at the friggin same time!!
Bought the sale above mentioned perfume from the sale rack cause it was unbievably cheap I tell you~ Thank god bby Nxsz accompanied me or else I wouldn't have an awesome time at KFC watching a group of little boys swimming.In spite of which,my mind was sorta lost somewhere in bizzare land called zé past.Easier said,reminiscing.

What actually happened when we accidentally locked gazes,what was that penetrating look you shot me and that same respond I had?Cause it seems like we're of total strangers,just happened to cross paths.And yet I can't stop thinking why/how we turned our backs...at the friggin same time!!
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