Sick face is back!
Is it only fair that I tell my tales now?
It's a pretty record knowing that how much of a potent blogger I was and now that time has dwelled on it's own everything pretty much froze out. Life you may ask, is as scary as it is.I've been missing on too much school and i really think my immunity suck balls. Events of my life,is monotonous like before only now I'm back in contact with a dude. HAH,after months of disengaging myself from the male species.But this abg c.d dude is a long time ttm I shall say.Well,how should I put this, we were on our "honeymoon moods" when i was friggin thirteen. Lost and recontacted after aeons, usually after a particular acccident that occur to him everytime we re-establish contact.Tsk, I the jinx?
Oh by the way, know what's sad?It's been too long that I haven't logged in here until i almost forgot my password.Ish ish. I think I should make a point of having the same password for all different usage again.It helps being the forgetful fina that I am.
Anyways,this is random...I just[almost 10 seconds ago] received a photo comment at friendster. Tsk,yeah I know..why do I still surf that page right?Don't ask.I hate deleting. Oh,oke speaking of the photo comment...I just realised it is so inefficient as compared to tagged/facebook.I mean,it doesn't indicate which photo that I have a new comment on,and I have 72 frigging photos PLUS three albums. Ish, no wonder other networking websites are far more preferrable. But many decide to not use friendster anymore just because they kinda follow the trend of "friendster is so uncool, go myspace/facebook" Despite how true the statement is,I still find it ridiculous that some people just use that term as a trend. Tsk, pathetic much.
K,enough of complaints and critques. Anyways...I've been meeting the abg c.d everytime he books out during the weekends for two consecutive weeks.And last week,saturday to be precise..the abg c.d was wearing something smart and slightly formal than the t-shirt,baggy/selekeh pants and flip flops. He wore a crisp black men's shirt[&i like it when they fold the sleeves up to their elbow], dark denim jeans and his macbeth shoes.Or was it pony? or.. kay nvm,easy says it was pretty smart and clean cut.[i like] hahaha,me,on the other hand wore something fricking laid-back,tank top,jeans and slipppers.Alahai,my turn to be selekeh. So my point of the story of discussin our apparel,was that abg c.d looks older than his age when he wears formal clothing.So we were window shopping for my formal dress, and I was engaging an awesome conversation with the salesgirl when he stood beside me looking/commenting on the formal dresses.So after all the Q&As with the salesgirl,one of the question went like this...
Me: So if i come back here with a customized drawing,you'll be able to produce the same dress in my liking?
Salesgirl: Yes ma'am.We try our best..
Me: So,approximately how long does it take for you to make a dress?
Salesgirl: about three weeks to a month..
Me: *smiles* oh okay...
Salesgirl: When is your wedding ma'am?
Me: HUH?!?!
Abg c.d: *chocked and coughed*
Me: Ohh,no no no. I'm not getting married!!!
Abg c.d: Do i really look that old?
Salesgirl: Oh,I'm sorry Miss. Anyways,here's my card.
HAHAHAHHA,notice how she addressed me differently at the end?Dari ma'am teros miss.Haiyoo.hahahha,but it was really....question of the night for us.
Anyways,speaking of abg c.d dude being in brother is finally at tekong,sent him off last friday. ^^ I haven't miss him yet,don't know if i will...but he'll be coming back after two weeks,I wonder if he'd be a changed man after two weeks.Let's wait and seeeeeeee.
So...I had an awesome 45 minutes msn conversation with my irreplaceable bitch that i miss so so so so dearly.Ahhh,I can't wait to catch things up with Qeera and e v e r y t h i n g illegal.So hopefully I'll be meeting her on one of the weekends or something,cause November seems so far awaaay.But,padehal padehal much right? Hmmmm.
Well,don't you guys think it's enough for now? I'd love to talk about wanting to meet A.D and a movie treat by him and what my current temperature is and what happened at Subway with my beloved unmarried husband on a Sunday afternoon and how much I'm craving for Delifrance and how I'm pissed off because my credit is low so abg c.d can neither call/text me today and I think his training today is hell because he hasn't text me since 7.08 in the morning just now and yes,I'm going to school tomorrow....
soooo,yeah..'d love to talk and stuff, but toodles~