I didn't take pictures today in school, well somehow i did when i was in the canteen alone..then the dudes came to accompany me. Alwyn was the only nice one to be smiling at the camera, unlike Jopie or Navin. -_- Boomx was there too......
So I had major flu for having really little sleep these days like only 2 or 3 hours of sleep.Mom gave me a herbal drink sachet to be drank with WARM WATER, instead the smart Navin bought for me plain mineral water bottle, room temperature.then he tore the the sachet and pour it in my whole bottle and shook it hard.IT LOOKED LIKE BLENDED SHIT!
Class was not really exciting what with my flu.Amir called me Virus. :(
So break time,smoked as usual..then we bought cheese fries somewhere nearby but it's sooooooo expensive. :(
So a few of us stayed back in school to review on our assignments, thank goodness that Harry was there, to help out a bit cause i was really lost in Communication. :D
After bladibladiblablabla...Harry decided to give a lift for Navin and I, Qiqi,bbyMice and boomz was dropped off at Commonwealth.we had tons of laughters in the van that i wish they all could alight at Serangoon with me and Nav. :( My bbymice sucha poor thing, cause Boomz actually took revenge on what happened to his hands and Mice got the same treatment.HAHA, HARRY YOU SHOULD CHANGE YOUR DOORS TO CUSHION ALL AROUND.
So Nav and i smoked again, and talked awhile more before taking the train back home. We saw girl who bought something that smells awesome from Chippy! And now I'm kinda craving for its Fried Mars Bars. o.0 Seriously, chocolate cravings these days and restless emotional feelings. I think menses is comiiinnnggggg. :/
Oke bye love.
assignments ♥
Labels: marz barz