I shall post of the littlest things today.

Eh Saturday,for real. I got flea market. ^_^
- I love my current playlist
- yet agian,I changed it
- should have gone to Escape with Erykah today
- cause Titan's Party @ Butterfactory is postponed ):
- due to Influenza H1N1
- seriously...PFFT~
- but it's fine,I can catch up on my scandalous drama,90210
- 90210's head's up:Annie's exboyf,Ethan is into Silver who's boyfriend is Dixon who is Ethan's team mate & Annie's step-brother
- I've yet to revise for whatever not
- &....S T A R T on art
- I heard prelims are in July
- I hope I heard it wrongly
- I'm always running out of Luv(s) at Tagged cause there's always these three prominent people that I spread my love to ♥
- Lately I've been having random numbers texting me
- It's either the trend of passing my number around is back in season
- Or those who I've deleted their contacts are texting me back
- Either/or...i'm still annoyed.
- I bathed my cat.
- it was frickin H I L A R I O U S
- Town-ed with Erykah ystd
- I long to meet zé boyfriend of hers ^_^ [attract attendance]
- Oke,guy in babyblue polo-T,white cap... c u t e
- I've been disturbing alot of people lately,why?
- Anyways, Life's A beach 98.7 is awesome (Y)
- I met the long missed,Carmel<<<<333
- And many more faces I wish I hadn't met. :/
- But,like I mentioned..it's a thumb's up afterall.
- Somebody lost his wallet at the end of the day though...
- see la,disturb me some more..in the end who got you home? Pfft~
- Now..*currently,literally*...going horny over a particular FHM girl.
- Boys will be boys la kan. Pshh~
- By the way,due to my ridiculous lack of sleep lately,
- my almost flawless skin seek revenge by popping out not one but two pimples
- I'm so dispirited now to even go out of my house. :(
- Apart from revisions,I've yet to do some spring cleaning
- Room's a total hectic mess
- And is it me...or...
- Have people around turned really super freaking boring these days?
- Seriously,OH MY GOD...please don't bore my life even more.
- Don't talk to me uh,please uh.
- Favour uh babe~
Eh Saturday,for real. I got flea market. ^_^
Labels: bean sprouts are nasty
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