I studied like crazy, one whole book fit in 10 mega mind maps and only so little from what I studied came out.Didn't sleep the whole night, Goodness, i'm miserable and the cherry on top is my stomach cramps.Left home at 7.05am to get breakfast at macs with Navin. I was so slack laaaa today. Well practically everyone looked like a zombie in class, three we debarred from the paper. Speaking of which, can't say I'm confident, can't say I'm not. Now two more to go. I'll be a zombie, and I'll stay like that until school re-opens,December? kanaPsy. :'( then i can only continue working in January la ballz.
Just now after paper, all proceeded to Zul's crib to chiiiiiiiilllllll. We all watched Grown Ups and i think tonight they're going to have fun and i'll be missing out. Navin and I left at 5-ish cause he has plans, and I've to go home, nbcb. I want to celebrate my overcoming of first paper but nooooooooooooooooooooo.
I'm cranky, having fever soon, cramps kicking in, sleepy, bored, sensitive and just plain miserable la.