Farewell Clementi.

So uhm....I just finished bidding goodbye to the mats&minahs who're always hanging around my void deck..those uncles and aunties playing old chinese instruments at the citizens' corner..
There's so much goodbyes, so little time.
As much as I'm hesitating to move,all my stuffs are packed and I'm just about ready to leave.30% excited about the idea of moving and accepting something new.New hair,new house,new school,new work,new *ehem*guy*ehem*....NOT. ;New life. :)
Come on,bring it on..I'm up for the challenges ahead.Bracing for the worst and best at the same time.
I'm planning to paint my room navy blue,and get everything else in white...but my chandelier will be in black.Idk,still contemplating.I want my own laptop.I might be getting that yellow turtle neck from Uniqlo.I want to get either navy blue or grey Toms shoe.I want to go green as much as possible.I'm reconsidering the jeans from pull&bear.
I should get myself a brown bag,preferably leather.But that just defeats the purpose of going green.I want to watch more movies with Sushiman, and I still have yet to choose an activity for a perfect day out with him.I feel like throwing away this stupid macbook cause it's super not user-friendly.Lastly,I'm planning to change my hair color to blue-black.
Seriously,what is up with me and blue??
Hrmmmm.He seems to be realllyyyy busy with work,and hasn't been replying me since 6.18pm.Busy benar awak. :(
Oh btw,I don't fully agree that retail therapy is the best remedy. :)
Alright,I really have nothing else to talk about now.
Just that I've been reading my novels for the third and/or fourth time now..so I guess I should get new books too, :)
I'll miss being a west-sider.Still,I am one at heart.From tomorrow onwards,I'll be a Northeast-er.Labels: Clementi :'(
Contented (;

Awzum awzum awzum awzum time with Titsy(Iaene),Cow(Rafiq) and Chen Hui(no pet name).Finally, I got to catch things up with at least some of my schoolmates.It felt like ages.
Started everything at Starbucks,and titsy was late...I think I never stopped laughing even until we parted in the train.I missed laughing this hard with those farm animals.
There's only one who was missing,that's Naffy..we could've recorded a short singing session if her (as quoted) Nipple guy cousin didn't came to visit. :(
Oh,Iaene is finally attached. *wipes tears* They grow up so fast... :')
It's weird,practically 90% of the shops in Jurong point were closed except for a few. I was dying to shop..but geee. So the animals and I just surveyed through random shops and stuff.I didn't know how much I could miss Cow's ears...those soft,flexible and big ears.
We ended up at an arcade, and who knew that I could be the champion of Speed hockey. ^^
*dalam diam diam...*
I realllyyyy miss Naf,Rafiq and Iaene. It's sorta random,but yeah.
After beating those three little boys 7-1...we just continued walking around randomly at courts to get a cartridge which I kept mixing it up with cartilage. I know I'm such a disgrace to all the Biology students.
Bumped into BM! with super tight berms,it really puzzles me why.Haixz Boon Meng...
So everyone got restless and i thought that was it for the day for me...but no.
Rafiq had to forget his gaymen magazine in my bag.Another 3 minutes of hardcore laughter alone in the train to wait for him to comprehend what he was trying to say. I'm sorry Cow. :BThat's it for my night. &He was being temperament towards me, so I just had to chant to myself... "a hungry man,is an angry man" -____________________-
Labels: mmeooowww.
Yay,online again. Like,whoa.
Very short update. Since he's sooooooo busy these days working,I even took to the extend of taking two jobs tomorrow. 11am-5pm at STC then 5.30pm-11pm at York hotel. Awzum.Since he's busy struggling with his license,I learn to save up a year ealier,to enrol on my license next year asap gaanngg.We'll be celebrating belated valentines on Thursday visiting Mustaffa Centre. :)
Pay has arrived.Should I shop, or refrain? Hmm..willpower.
Yes,this is how my life has turned out to be,working and/or meeting him if we both happen to be free on the same time.While the rest of my friends are awesomely studying their brains out,cracking every single equation and theories,some are at home waiting for the next day to wait for the next. Get me?
Ohwells,I'm moving to Sengkang on this 22nd. :( Farewell good olé Clementi.
Monday, Ubin with his friends,or not?Labels: fml
CNY songs are ah-no-yink.
Maybe it's me but I really find that everybody is breathing on my neck.
Bad enough that I don't get to go online as much as I used to, now that when I am, people will start prying me with questions of all sorts.Note to all guests/passerby(s)/random nosy people : I won't be starting school anytime soon.It is of my choice,and both my parents are aware of it.I'm going to work for a short while,approximately four to five months.I need to save up.School is confirmed.Just don't bother asking me what and when.Life is not awesome.I'll be moving to Sengkang in two weeks' time.I'll never accept anyone new in the family deep down inside.The irony is that I don't even think about my friends these days,and I honestly feel guilty.I don't think there's room,for the time being, for me to be a kid and enjoy.
On another note,I might just be travelling around mid year either with cousins or friends or mom.Will see,that's the only highlight of the year for me.If by chance, that you are concern of my doings..or whatever,here's my email, favourite_mistakes@hotmail.com. &for those who can,do text or call me.
You can enquire whatever it is that you're so keen to know, personally.
There's nothing to be worried about, my Sushiman is still my pillar of strength..plus some other close friends like Nisa and Erykah. Oh btw,Erykah got lucky and asked me out on my off day.So we hung for just a bit, relived old gossips and shared the same old tales.

See I'm doing fine and alive.So yeah,quit the yapping.