Intensive babe,

I think I misplaced my phy rev notes..or did I threw it away or something.Or, I don't know. No,I won't panic.Good thing there's such thing as a photocopier.And as for my biology,still room for imprvoement.I'm catching up with math at a slow pace,but no time to stroll.Art is progressing with a right mind in hand.Been studying for SocialStudies for the whole week and what luck has it been that it has been postponing time and again.Tomorrow's the big day.Let's see if my hard work will pay off.
Since I was speaking of studying the whole time,had a period to study/revise for SS since Mrs_____'s way of teaching us is sitting at the teacher's table and catch the ones who falls asleep.I don't know how it happened,but I managed to re-write the notes and understand it fully while I was half asleep,and next thing I knew I was taking short naps while reading.So I fell into a friggin annoying dream..that consists of magic.
Tsk,so much of magic,more like an impossible plea of cheat.Dreamt that I invented a chewing gum that can make you memorise anything while chewing it,and I was doing so whilst reading the notes. Woooo,if only that would exist. But I just realised it's so Charlie&TheChocolateFactory-ish.
): If only that could happen.Tsk, kay. Life check, I just can't wait to catch things up with my baby Qeera. [inserts a really really happy/sexcited/eager/impatient expression]
Tsk, life as it is brings no life to me itself.Haven't been eating for days,and everything's causing me the spin. And I'm still unwell,what with the sneezings and such. And guess what? My nose was bleeding when I kept sneezing in the morning just now. ): Pain you know. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttt...tsk,don't talk about solicitude with me.I'm out of your field, whoever.

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