
I've been missing for almost, what..forever? &now i'm back for a sole reason. I've finally enrolled myself to a school,and my dream course. Although it's not some poly,I am contented.
Swear,i'm all perks listening to My Love -Justin Timberlake on youtube on repeat. :)
By the way, I can officially say I am in Management Development Institute of Singapore, enrolling in Diploma in Psychology. :)
(realized how many smiley emoticons? (: )
I've the most wonderful, yet to get to know, classmates whom I never thought people who would be interested in such course. Very unexpected, nonetheless...they're awesome people.
Monday was orientation + first lesson, and I was so nervous i sent a wrong text to A'an, my brother west-side instead of Suqi. -OH,by the way...in case it wasn't known, I'll elaborate about me and the boy soon or perhaps in my next post.
Anyways, let's side track awhile, do you want to hate me? Sure. I'll understand why,
Heh,wonder why am i so hyped. Thank god for the 1/4 of my classmates who smokes are "gerek" minus one. Mice should know well. Btw Mice is my newly made friend/classmate..really cute little girl. So glad your pet name suits you.
Our lecturers are fantastic too. Never entered a class with literally all the students having all eyes and ears to our teacher/lecturer until i meet this class. The topics are really in depth and no way close like your average math and science, and I've never been this keen to go to school,EVER.
Like yesterday,I was a tad upset that it was a friday and we had to skip two days till our next lesson.But I got over it since I found a classmate who lives somewhere near my estate so at least I've a buddy home. :D
On the third day of school,which was a thursday (since on our supposed second day:tuesday was "self study") Mice and I were super hungry and were clueless as to where to head to. Smoked with the rest of our classmates and Zul had to do a research on one of the pioneers of psychology, Hermann Ebbinghaus and that he discovered "spacing effect". Mice and I just invited whoever that was free to joined us for dinner. So there was,of course myself and Mice, Jopie, Zul, Meow and Amreet. I find these people have LOVELY CUTE NAMES, and I'm stucked with Liy/Liyana. -____-
So we all headed to Bugis for dinner at Tong Seng, after which Amreet and Meow decided to shop so the remaining volunteered Zul to the National Library for the research knowing that she needs all the help she could. It was an interesting bond, during dinner. Exchanging storied of introduction. Aw.. :')
Anyways, side track again...
I Love Mice too k? ♥:D HAHA . Not Jopie and Zul only.
Life has officially settled on the right path,I guess. What's new? I cropped my hair and dyed it in aubergine just days before school started. :) ♥
The boy and I are doing fine I guess. I don't know. I hope. :)
Now I'll try to update again soon and more often kay. No such thing as homework,it's all about the mind now baby. :)
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