Thursday, November 12


I'm beginning to have cold feets for tomorrow's event.I know it might not be that of a big deal to anyone,but I've thought about attending a graduation night eversince the first day I entered secondary school life so yes,it is pretty much a significant thing to me.But one thing that annoy me the most is that my mom is not gonna be there next to me,adjusting my dress,make-up or the least,compliment me I don't know.
I'm feeling very fucked up now I do not know why.My sleeping disorder is taking its toll on me and I'm fugging annoyed because as much as I tried to sleep and rest,I fucking can't.My mind will still be awake.And thanks to the insuffecient sleep,my migraine and flu is accompanying me through my misery.All I just need is a good sleep but when I try to relax and shut myself up,I can't.I'm too busy thinking.But I do not know what in the world I'm thinking about.
And note ;I never ever ever,and even if I do,they are rare,to have zits.And of all the time in the world,it had to come for a visit on my last day of the paper and tomorrow is grad night.Congratufuckinglations mother nature,once again,you've found another reason for me to hate you even more.
Friends and whoever,tell me to take some medications and sleep.Wahfugg,you think I didn't ry uh?This is why I'm still up and awake and ranting and really really pissed.Yet those idiotic people who doesn't have a care in the world making stupid questions of themselves,thinking that they're existence is the epidemic of my life story.Oh my God,I do not care about you at all.Why don't you get it fucking straight in your mind that I'm the one person who cares the least of you.

I'm ranting cause I'm pissed.Maybe I don't really mean it,but maybe I do.
I do not know.ON a slightly brighter note,I hope I'd get a job at wavehouse.Cousin,do your thang.
Bye,I gotta try and find another way to sleep.Fuck you annoying pimple.



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