O levels.

&to think that I could rest awhile being it only the second post for Ms Bloggy. -.-
I was tagged by Fyqa who believes I'm bisexual. :)
Alright,this'll just take a while but I'm sure my answers shall be a heads turn.(Y)
1.Besides your lips,where is your favourite spot to get kissed?
did I say kissing on my lips was a favourite spot?-.-
2.How do you feel when you wake up this morning?
**** it's my frickin O levels today,and i'm late.
3.Who was the last person you took photo with?
p e a r l
4.Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
very much. :)
5.Would you ever donate blood?
would you ?
6.Have you ever had a bestfriend who was the opposite sex?
i've had him alright.
7.Do you want someone dead?
i'd prefer birds currently.
8.What does your last message says?
Mr C: "haha.got 1 person pregnant.tatz y itz 13.hahahahaha..u still at cck?"
9.What are you thinking right now?
finishing Lovers&Gamblers -book.
10.Do you wish someone to be with you right now?
honestly...kinda. :)
11.What is the time you go to bed last night?
more like this morning...12.52 a.m..i was reading/revising.
12.Where did you buy the T-shirt you're wearing right now?
13.Is someone on your mind?
14.Who was the last person who texted you?
Mr cheeky.
15.Tag 10 random people to do this survey.
-Fyqa..again? LOL
16.Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
17.Is no. 3 a female/male?
both. ^_^
18.If 7&10 get together,would it be a good thing?
19.What is no. 1 studying about?
prolly love. :)
20.When was the last time you had a chat with them?
All,just lately.Except for Andy via comments @ Tagged.com :)
21.Is no. 4 single?
not quite. hahahaha.
22.Say something about no. 3
when are we dating again?
23.What do you think about no. 3 & 5 being together?
I'd be dead jealous. o.*
24.Describe no. 9
gym freak. note: freak
25.What will you do if no. 6 and 7 fight?
hahahaha. stand in the middle?
26.Do you like no. 8?
My PeterParker~ ahahahahha.
Alright.I swear that was totally uncalled for.
And oOoOoOoOoh~ question number 26. hahaha. Ohmy,I really miss the good olé times of blogging.
Yes,today was MT paper.I swear it's worst than what I actually imagined. ): I don't know what the creepy hell is the word lelah and I assumed it had something to do with being careless when it just meant TIRED! Seriously,I can bet on my whole life that the examiner whose marking my paper would think that I'm a frickin dumb blonde in disguise. :(
So after the end of paper,I made my way to meet my beloved and muchly missed,Nxsa bbyghurl.&apparently I named every single thing that I spot at random.We had a blast.As noted from the Q&A above[refer to the answer at question 8.]...we spent the afternoon at cck,and I just found out..yes,j u s t,that they had a Roof Garden,something like IMM's. Is it becoming a trend for upgraded shopping malls?
Ohyes,speaking of names of people I named at random.Her ex; Aizat was actually nick-ed b0i_tam_tam HAHAHA,it's an inside thing.But it's pretty obvious. Alright,an oxymoron -.-
Great,my frickin' brother is bugging me what with asking me for four bucks and wanting to use the computer and such.Dude,ohmygod you're frickin nineteen for God's sake can you START to act like one?I wouldn't want to recreate my story of hate towards you like how I've always been in my previous/old blog but dude,you always leave me no frickin choice.You're sooo gonna get a helluva time in NS in July.All I can afford to say is ;Have fun dude~
Anyways,I'm shagged.Good enough for the second post?I've got school throughout for the whole week from 8am to 1.30pm.Seriously,definition of Holiday please?
Oh let me leave you with something that made my day.Sent by a dear friend,Irwan.
It's freaking hilarious siaaaaaaaaa~
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